Ammonium chloride per kg

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About the product:

Ammonium chloride, commonly known as NH4Cl, is a chemical compound with various applications. It is primarily used as a nitrogen source in fertilizers for crops like wheat, barley, and rice. In addition to its agricultural uses, it serves as an ingredient in dry cell batteries, as a flux in soldering, and as a cough medicine in some formulations. Its white crystalline appearance and solubility in water make it versatile for multiple industrial and pharmaceutical purposes. Despite its utility, it's important to handle with care due to its potential irritant properties.

Foundry chemical powder per kg

$ 0

About the product:

Introducing our Foundry Chemical Powder – the ultimate solution for optimized metal casting processes. Specially formulated to meet the demanding requirements of foundry operations, our powder enhances the efficiency, quality, and reliability of your casting processes.

Crafted with precision, our Foundry Chemical Powder offers:

  1. Improved Flow: Achieve smoother metal flow within molds, reducing the risk of defects and ensuring uniform filling.
  2. Enhanced Heat Resistance: Withstand high temperatures, maintaining structural integrity during casting for superior results.
  3. Reduced Defects: Minimize porosity, shrinkage, and other common casting imperfections, guaranteeing high-quality finished products.
  4. Increased Productivity: Streamline your workflow by optimizing mold release and reducing cleaning times, ultimately boosting productivity.
  5. Environmental Compatibility: Engineered with eco-friendly ingredients, ensuring minimal environmental impact while maintaining effectiveness.
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